
Monthly Inspirational Lectures
Once a month, we organize lectures for the Frum Divorce community. We almost always have an inspirational speaker to give hope and guidance to our group as well as a mental health professional to discuss the challenges that so many of our attendees face. The lectures offer a wonderful opportunity to be inspired in a warm and safe setting, as well as the ability to meet other individuals going through the same thing.
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Frum Divorce organizes two retreats a year. One happens over the President's Day weekend and one over July 4th. We typically get between two to three hundred attendees. This is a wonderful and unique opportunity for attendees to leave behind their day to day pressures and be inspired and elevated by the first class programming that we provide. Besides world-renowned speakers and Rabbi's who attend each weekend, we offer a comedy entertainment and an opportunity for people to meet and get to know each other. Those who have attended past weekends have spoken of the deep impact that these 72 hours have left of them.
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children's programs
Frum Divorce is proud to offer very special programming specifically geared to our children. This includes Chol Hamoed trips, as well as two annual events that have drawn many hundreds of children and parents. One takes place during Hannukah at the Hall of Science in Queens, NY. It includes menorah lighting, as well as a gift for every child that attends. Another takes place on Purim evening where the children have an opportunity to hear the Megila reading, as well as a wonderful evening of entertainment, dancing and delicious food.
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Take My Kids to Shul Program
Our new synagogue program will connect local married families with children of divorced mothers. These adult volunteers commit to accompanying kids to shul on Shabbos so mothers are assured that their children—especially their sons—will have meaningful experiences chaperoned by a responsible, screened adult.

Pray it Forward
We all need prayers. Our members often find prayer is their sole source of solace. As prayer can bring us closer to each other, we hold a once-a-week Tefilah to comfort divorcees in the knowledge that others care and to connect them to those who pray for their success and happiness. Tefilah takes place in New York, at the grave of a Tzadik, or in Israel at the Kotel every Wednesday between 3 and 7 PM. We gladly accept names
submit names for prayer